Why not lease a machine??


New member
May 7, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

I am about to open a new shop in Cali and was wondering what are the downfalls of leaseing your equiplment?? Seems like you can lease for a reasonable price and hold on to your cash right?? Am I missing something? You can rent a super for 200 bucks?

Any thoughts?

If you do the math, you can pay off the machine and make money in one year. 20 drinks a day, charging 2.50 dollars in one year is 18250 dollars. Then between 700 and 350 dollars for your pms. You can pick up a new franke for 10000 dollars and if all you did were 20 drinks a day that machine would last for 15 years.
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Thanks bean,

What you say makes sense. Not sure what to do yet though.

Anyone else have any opinions??

Bean Tech said:
If you do the math, you can pay off the machine and make money in one year. 20 drinks a day, charging 2.50 dollars in one year is 18250 dollars. Then between 700 and 350 dollars for your pms. You can pick up a new franke for 10000 dollars and if all you did were 20 drinks a day that machine would last for 15 years.

I have yet to see any super auto make it 15 years! The last one that came even close was 10 years old, I took it out back and put it down myself!

Is 15 years the max life expectancy of a Franke? Because 110,000 cycles is a drop in the bucket.
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....Better to lease because they don't last anyway??

Anybody know what lease terms are generally offeredd?

Also, anybody know what Superauto brands are being used reliably right now??

Thanks everyone!
