Wireless Network


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Sep 24, 2006
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I have a wireless network at home and can do the simple things necessary to make it work. We are opening our coffee shop soon and I have a questions about networking.

We want to have a secure network for our POS computer and office comuter, but also offer free WIFI to our customers. Is it possible to create a secure network with two computers and an unsecured wireless network for customers with one router?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I understand this is a tech question and not so much about coffee, but I am stuck...

JD Anderson
Nemo's Coffee
Colorado Springs, CO
This is dated but it all still works


This walks you through it step by step.

PS Been reading your blog...very interesting
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Re: This is dated but it all still works

woc said:

This walks you through it step by step.

PS Been reading your blog...very interesting

Thanks for your reply...
I will check it out.

The blog has been a fun tool throughout this process. Unfortunately, I have had no time to blog lately, since I have been working 16-20 hour days trying to get open by this Thursday. Once things settle down, I'll post some photos on the blog and update everything!

thanks again for your help!
Two routers is the best way to go if you want to segregate and secure your network.

Use a wired one for the office and POS computer and a wireless one for the customers. Just plug the wired one into the wireless and your good to go.

I setup something similar here with a VOIP router.