Ambex YM2 will be for sale soon - SOLD


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Aug 7, 2008
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Hi All - I have my 2006 red Ambex YM2 about ready to sell. I use this little beast about 3 days a week. It iis set up for propane. It is a workhorse. The cooling bin stirring arms have been work on by Ambex and are not original but work fine. It will be availible in 4-5weeks as I am waiting on my new roaster to be finished and delivered. Pick up only - I cannot crate and ship. please send PM if interested. We are in LaGrange, KY. You can see most recent pictures of it on our facebook page. If interested, send PM or email from website. if you go to facebook just seach our business name. Sorry I don't know any other way to post about the pictures.
Re: Ambex YM2 will be for sale soon





you owe me a cup of coffee :p
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Thanks topher - it sold yesterday! Before I even saw these photos you posted. Man they look nice on here too! Looking forward to the new machine in a month or so. Can't wait!
What size and brand did you get? Congrats on selling your 2k! Those things do not stay on the market still owe me a coffee
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Yes - faster than I had planned. Buyer is fine with waiting on pick up of the YM2 as we agreed. I need to roast on it until the new one arrives and is installed. Those little machines are very nice. I fugured when I bought it, if needed I could easily sell it...point made! :)

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