Another Newbie Looking for a Roaster


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Mar 4, 2007
Minneapolis, Mn
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First post here but have read quite a few. I am new to roasting and have already purchased a roaster. It is a Aerorost II from cafecoffee. I have roasted approx 20 or so batches on it and I am not impressed. Getting the rottisserie out is awkward and dangerous as your mits are close to the heating element. Also have a hard time opening and closing the thing. The temperature climbs to 600 plus and thats where it stays, no adjusting of the temp can be done. I have emailed the situation and am trying to return it for a refund. I am looking for a roaster that I can learn the real aspects of roasting but not break the bank. I spent 500 on the aerorostII. I do want to roast and sell coffee so I am not sure if a home roaster is the way to go. I probably could get by with spending 800 as long as I get my funds back from the last roaster. Any help would be appreciated. :-D
First off, I am in no way trying to discourage you. OK disclaimer aside: I am sorry to say you will find it hard pressed to find a commercial roaster for anything close to that price. If you look on ebay ... 40QQfrtsZ0
you might get an idea as to the price ranges for many roasters and (so-called) roasters. About 4G's is the lowest I have seen a true roaster, that is new or refurbed. However.......once in a while you will find a roaster come into Ebay that needs a bit of TLC, maybe do to a fire or lazyness, fairly cheap. You might be able to find a sample roaster, but even those are'nt cheap. Roasting for a profit on a roaster that only does less than a pound batches will leave you very frustrated and very busy. If you are going at it to make a profit, you will need a roaster that will batch enough to be worth it. Not to mention, the quality of coffee that come from pro roasting equipment is far better. I hope that the link helps, and I hope that you, like so many others see your dreams of a coffee biz come true. Good luck, Roast On ......Cheers!