Anyone in NOLA want to split a sack of beans


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Sep 4, 2007
Southeast Louisiana
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If you go through 2# of coffee per week, and split a sack, it would last each person about 9-10 months (depending on the sack weight).

Only problem is finding 2 people that want the same beans.

I'm new at this, but I'm guessing you would save a lot of money buying a whole sack (and doesn't green coffee last 1+ years if kept well)

I homebrew and buy my grains by the sack (25kg ~ 55#). We get a group together and order out of NY and do a pallet and get LTL freight prices.

Difference is paying $ 1.50 per pound and paying $ 0.65 per pound.

I'm sure a lot of you seasoned roasters do this, but haven't seen anyone from the NOLA area on this site.
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Just as I suspected...........only 15 people in NOLA roast their own. Not too surprised.

As a homebrewer, we are not a plentiful lot either.

It's a shame. Once you've become accomplished, you can brew better than you can buy - period.

I'm on the very early learning curve for coffee, and I already realize that. It is amazing what fresh coffee tastes like.

Damn, wish I would have gotten into this sooner. I don't drink beer every day, but drink LOTS of EXCELLENT, FRESH coffee every day.

I am new to roasting and not sure I want to start buying quantity but I am in New Orleans (Carrollton) and I thought that I should touch base with you.

I know I will be up for some co-op buying sooner or later.