Are pregnant women really not allowed to drink coffee? WHY??

If anyone would like to refer to this article, it could be helpful and save a trip to the doctor just to have the doctor excuse him/herself and dip into the office to pull up the same article on the computer. Even if they get that question all the time, this is probably the place they looked the first time they were asked the question. This is a two page paper on Caffeine and Pregnancy & a Table of caffeine content of foods and beverages found on The American College of Obstetricians and Gynocologists (ACOG).

ACOG Page 1.webp
ACOG Page 2.webp
Caffeine Content of Foods and Beverages.webp
Not a doctor, but had 3 kids and drank coffee through all three pregnancies. All healthy, happy and after some sleep training great sleepers ;)
I used to be schizophrenic but we're better now! :P

That's just great. You might want to think about the possibility that some people reading that might know people suffering from schizophrenia. It's not something to laugh at. Oh, wait. I'm sorry. You weren't kidding..... That explains everything.
As far as I know, you can drink coffee during pregnancy:heart:. Let's not forget that the harmful substance that is unsafe to drink in large quantities is caffeine. And it's in chocolate and in tea, that pregnant women have hardly ever denied themselves. So drink to your health, just don't get used to the caffeine rate of 200 milligrams a day. :star:
When I was pregnant with my first child, I craved coffee and even made my husband order a delivery from Starbucks in the middle of the night. I drank coffee morning, afternoon, and night, and felt great until my doctor found out about it and forced me to switch to decaf. She explained to me that caffeine produces a certain hormone that should not be elevated during pregnancy. After the baby was born, I still drink decaf coffee and buy products for her only from
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According to Penn Health, a new study found that low amounts of caffeine were beneficial during pregnancy.

I don't know, it's all very individual, you can drink without caffeine or then ask a doctor
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