Authentic Civet Cat (Kopi Luwak) coffee vendors


First post and I hope to learn a lot from the folks on here. I purchased some "Kopi Luwak" coffee, initially harvested by cats and not people, from Amazon and the feedback that I have been receiving indicates that I got scammed due to the low price $60 per pound.

If it doesn't violate any of the forum rules, can some please post up the name of a vendor or two that is known to sell 100% authentic Kopi Luwak beans?

Thanks in advance!
I'm sorry you got scammed. From what I know, the best way to ensure that you're getting genuine Kopi Luwak beans is to buy them directly from a farm or estate where they are produced. But at the end of the day - there's no guarantee that you'll get what you paid for, so one has to wonder if it's worth the trouble.
I bought some years ago for a brewery. We paid $75 a lb green. I set the box down on the counter at home. My wife's cat jumped up on the counter and started sniffing it. I was so scared he was going to try an use it as a litter box! That would have been an expensive mistake. I was not a fan of the beer. It tasted like pure mushroom soup. I will stick to Monsoon or Sumatra if I want earthy.
To each their own, but I wouldn't waste time or $ on any coffees such as that. The insane cost is simply due to supply/demand and there are so many fantastic coffees that can be had for a fraction of the cost. FWIW for 4+ yrs now I've been recovering from a severe illness caused by a fungus and will not touch anything that might possibly cause a recurrence. Simple things like mushrooms, plants, coffee 'processed' by civets and who knows what can be a host for different types of fungus so yeah some things in life are a big NO for me these days.
To each their own, but I wouldn't waste time or $ on any coffees such as that. The insane cost is simply due to supply/demand and there are so many fantastic coffees that can be had for a fraction of the cost. FWIW for 4+ yrs now I've been recovering from a severe illness caused by a fungus and will not touch anything that might possibly cause a recurrence. Simple things like mushrooms, plants, coffee 'processed' by civets and who knows what can be a host for different types of fungus so yeah some things in life are a big NO for me these days.
The good thing is most fungus dies off at 140 to 160 degrees. Roasting coffee is much higher. I just don't understand the novelty. I am not a germaphobe but lets just say I don't eat food with my hands....I use utensils for everything. That being said, I am not drinking anything that comes from a civets feces.
The good thing is most fungus dies off at 140 to 160 degrees. Roasting coffee is much higher. I just don't understand the novelty. I am not a germaphobe but lets just say I don't eat food with my hands....I use utensils for everything. That being said, I am not drinking anything that comes from a civets feces.
Yes I figured as much on the heat, but I've also wondered if there's a slight possibility that the fungus I came into contact with could've been on the green and being around that while roasting led to me inhaling it before the heat really did its thing. Not going to overthink it though as there are lots of fungal sources around us in daily life and I'll never know exactly where it originated and Infectious Disease said as much. I've always been clean and observant of surroundings 24/7, but after dealing with debilitating consequences I'm now even more so.

Was really difficult getting used to roasting after losing all hearing, but I've adapted quite well and rocking on every day!
Kopi is okay, for me it reminded me a lot of Toddy coffee. I guess I don't care for what fermentation does to the bean. Sadly most of that knock off stuff is down right disgusting and you don't get the same results mixing beans and poop together.
The insane cost is simply due to supply/demand
Regardless of what anyone tells you, the price of everything is due to supply and demand. That, in and of itself, is no sin. It is up to each of us to decide if that price is worth it to us. I tasted some Kopi Luwak and while I could taste a difference, the difference wasn't enough for me to pay the price. If I could get it at a reasonable price, or a dollar or two more, I might drink it more often.