Cleaning and removing Burrs on Pavoni PGC


New member
Feb 17, 2005
Providence RI
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Hi , New to the forum but not to coffee
Here is my problem. I have a Pavoni PGC since 2002. It must have picked up a stone, or some such thing. It growled and shut down.

I would like to get in there and clean the burrs and find a reset, but have lost the manual and the vendor has been no help.

Can anybody help or point me in the right direction

Start by unscrewing the 3 screws in the hopper. Take the hopper off. Then unscrew the screws holding in the adjustment worm gear. Then you can unscrew the burrs.

The PGC has a poor reputation for breaking down, unfortunately.
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Thanks for the reply
I managed to to that and I still get no power, so I am figuring on just tossing it, since it looks to be a project to change the motor, and it is not cost effective
It is to bad a 189.00 grinder broken at a year and half.

Thanks Again
Well, you would likely be better off putting it on ebay. Likely you can get $20 or $30 for it. Just state that it is broken, and put a "buy it now" price on it. Someone will likely buy it.

Or if you want, you can ship it to me :-D I could use the burrs.
