Coffee alternative?


New member
Nov 3, 2011
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Hi there.

I have very little time now, so I apologize if this thread is somewhere else in this forum already.

I'm somewhat allergic to caffeine, if I drink coffee for three days in a row, I feel really sick and weak. I used to go alright without it, but now I have a sudden change of life which requires me to get up at seven every day do quite a lot of work. Because of this early wake-up, I feel really sleepy and lacking energy to do so. It helps a lot to have a cup of coffee, but I know I can't afford that. Can you recommend something else that I could use while getting used to this early wake-up? I'm thinking of maca root or guarana. I've tried mate, but I think it also makes me a bit sick.

Hi Lauris -- I feel sorry for your predicament, as I'm a huge coffee fan myself. Have you tried green tea? I've read some things about it being a good substitute for coffee...

Good luck,
Hey guys,
Green tea has many benefits in it
Green tea is the best alternative of the coffee.
In my opinion green tea is more effective than coffee.
It plays an important role in fat burning and weight losing.
It also controls the heart diseases and keep the skin healthy.
Green tea protects against heart disease
Green tea can help lower blood pressure
Green tea can help protect against diabetes
Green tea can help prevent food poisoning
Green tea can prevent bad breath
Green tea guards against hepatitis
Green tea can protect against cancer
Green tea can help prevent arthritis
Green tea improves your immunity
Last edited:
While there are many great sources of caffeine, judging from your situation i would recommend some Yerba mate tea.

From Caffeine in Teas | Effects of Caffeine

"Yerba Mate is a very interesting tea with a reputation of having a jitter free type of caffeine known as Mateine, and is popular in South America and Brazil. Yerba Mate is very good for you, because it contains more antioxidants than green tea. Yerba Mate is a great tea and recommended to have in your tea collection."

Basicly because Yerba Mate contains a different type of caffeine you might be able to drink it with no problems, and on top of that Mate is very healthy. I've tried Yerba Mate a few times and can't wait to add it to my personal tea collection.
~ Hello "Lauris"

Welcome to the Coffee Forum website.

Does the caffeine in hot chocolate bother you too? I'm wondering if the brewing process of coffee, the oils, etc. are what's bothering you. If you do not have a problem with hot chocolate, it probably would give you enough warmth and caffeine to help start your day.

If you need to stay away from caffeine totally, then green tea is probably the best substitute.
Oh yeah, and try to go to bed early so you'll get enough sleep before you start your busy day!

iHerb code PUG787

My favorite brewed type is Teeccino cuz it actually has health benefits. You can get it flavored (I love hazelnut). My favorite instant is Pero Extra Dark Roast. Both taste so much like coffee & I can't live without them! I buy them online at cuz it's the cheapest I ever came across. You can even save $10 off your first order of $40 or more; or $5 off orders less than $40 just by using code PUG787 at checkout. Also if you order $60 or more from iHerb, you will receive 5% off of your entire order! This code NEVER expires! Also, towards the top of the page there is a link that says Freebies and you can choose one free item per order! Also, you get FREE 1-3 Day shipping for orders over $40.00 and Free 2-8 Day shipping for orders over $20.00 and NO Tax in US! I've got my orders really fast & had great experience with them. They even list expiration dates on everything (even shampoo!).
Hi, is it possible that it is the Milk if you drink it that way? Best thing to harness energy is attitude. Inspiring music, a shower and some push-ups...make sure your eating a healthy breakfast and cultivate that 'taking care of business' attitude, getting the job the man. Good routines are the go, they give you less to think about. I think of the men in the trenches who really worked hard and fought for our freedoms. That peps me up when I'm feeling sorry for myself. That hard work you talk about becomes easier if you think and feel it so. Just my 2cents. BTW I have worked harder for longer than most. Makes you feel proud too. Getting the job done gives one something to be proud of. Bit off topic sorry. Good luck
Here in Italy, caffè orzo (barley coffee) is popular even in bars. Personally I like it but it should be called something different as there is no coffee in it at all. I have also heard of roasting dandelion roots (no joking), but never tried it :decaf:
Dandelion is actually use to treat cancel as a supplement in Asian country.... No Joke... ;)
I think green tea is a good alternative for coffee. Green tea is also a good supplement for weight loss.
When we talk about alternative of coffee, there are a lot of those out there. You can use Green Tea, Nutty Smoothies, Licorice tea, and many more. But I don’t know if you can have still allergy to other coffee alternatives. Why not try to visit your doctor and inquire what made you allergic to caffeine.

If you find yourself allergic to drinks, you can change your way of waking up early and alert. If you feel sleepy when you are about to wake up, do some stretching or exercises. It can make your mind alert.
It looks like Lauris hasn't visited the Forum since he made his first post and started this thread - in November 2011.

I'm wondering if he found a coffee alternative all by himself.

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