Considering Selling my Mobile Espresso Vehicle


New member
May 30, 2005
SF Bay Area/East Bay
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Hey guys,
I'm considering selling my Mobile Espresso Vehicle. I need some advice on how to go about it.

It's an Original Seattle Coffee Comany with all the bells and whistles. I purchased it for $75,000 and owe $19,000 on the note which is held with Chase.

How do I go about selling this? Since I don't have the cash to pay it off, do I just ask someone to wait for the title to come back or what????

Also, how do I attach a picture to this forum????

I've enjoyed this forum over the months and know I'll get some great advice.

Best Regards:

Like selling a used car

Sorry didn't mean to make it sound so bad;

If I we're buying and the seller told me they had a note with a lendor who held the title I would just ask for a contract saying that I'd get title within x amount of days. Find out exactly how long Chase will take in releasing the title to you and add a week so you aren't out of contract.

BTW shoot me an email with a picture; I'm in CA and could possibly be [email protected]
Mobile Espresso Vehicle

Espresso 911

What are you looking to sell your vehicle for and why do you want to sell it?

Do you have any photos yet?
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Hi BilgeMud,

I'm selling the rig for $65,000.....Which is 10 Grand less than a new one.

I've received a really good job offer from a local transit authority and I've just kinda lost interest in the Mobile Espresso business and I've discovered that I'm NOT a morning person. Which in the Coffee Biz is a must.

Where are you located at?

Send me your email address and I can hook you up with a few pictures.
Considering the options

I am in Texas and am only in feasibility/ discovery/ consideration mode right now. I have a perfectly good nine to five job right now and although I have some marketing ideas, have not yet put together a business plan. Unless the potential/ possibility exists to be able to operate the business and pay myself six figures after one year of operation, I am not comfortable leaving my current job.
USCG Station

Hello Espresso911,

My understanding is that you visited events as they occured and for stability would make a regular run of the USCG Station.

If the USCG Station was not extremely profitable, did you consider relocating your truck at
* Commuter Choke Points
* College Campuses
* High Rise Office Complexes

I did not know if these places were already taken with coffee carts in the Bay area.

I am in Texas and have examined these areas and nobody is working them.


BilgeMud (Chuck)
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Hey BilgeMud:
Good to hear from you again.

The events/faires and Coast Guard Station are profitable. Sporting events, soccer, football games etc are a great way to make a few hundred dollars in just a few hours. Just about any place where people have time on their hands and can't leave is good as well. In the summer the beach was great for smoothies. The local dog park is like shooting fish in a barrel for that quick 80.00 bucks for about one hour between 5:00pm and 6:00pm

Choke points, off ramps and such may work in more rual areas but in the 6 million plus person Bay Area such things are tightly controlled and mobile vendors are asked, not very politely, to move on down the road.

The bottom line is; I'm just burned out on getting up at 4:00am every day in order to capture the morning commute traffic.
Everyone dreams of owning their own business and I've had the privillage of owning and running mine. I discovered that I prefer the stability and benifits of a regular day job. No regrets on my part, its been a great ride!

Talk to you soon.