I have my space and two of the four walls have cynder blocks. My designer suggests we sheetrock them, but my builder (aka brother Jim) is saying it will be a pain to do 1) because of the shape of the windows 2) we'll have to pull another permit and 3) it will be another inspection--our township is strict. Someone else suggested to just paint it and if it looks hideous, then sheetrock it, but if the paint works for now, we can upgrade it if/when we can afford to do so. My designer says it will be ugly, but I don't have much of a choice because of my budget. The area is huge, 17ft ceilings. Anyway, I am looking for a creative and CHEAP but visually appealing way to conceal this. The back wall is not really an issue because that will be framed out with walls to the rooms that are up against it. And, don't even ask why I am worrying about this and not my designer. Does anyone have any suggestions or possibly faced a similar issue?
There are some pics in my album, if this link works: http://pub45.bravenet.com/photocenter/a ... lbum=48638[/img]
There are some pics in my album, if this link works: http://pub45.bravenet.com/photocenter/a ... lbum=48638[/img]