Heres a new one...
I was roasting over the weekend....and because i work alone i kinda have my hands full at one stage when i was grinding while i had a batch sitting in the roaster and one batch sitting in the cooling trey.
I usually never have anything or anyone interrupting me but this time i didnt close the door and my big, fat and lazy labradore came prancing in the simply jumped up against the roaster, stuck her head into the cooling trey and ended up with a BIG mouth full of warm coffee beans. she didnt burn her mouth or anything....and they seemed to enjoy muching the beans.
i got her out and ive managed to keep her away from any more beans but is it bad for a dog??
please advise
I was roasting over the weekend....and because i work alone i kinda have my hands full at one stage when i was grinding while i had a batch sitting in the roaster and one batch sitting in the cooling trey.
I usually never have anything or anyone interrupting me but this time i didnt close the door and my big, fat and lazy labradore came prancing in the simply jumped up against the roaster, stuck her head into the cooling trey and ended up with a BIG mouth full of warm coffee beans. she didnt burn her mouth or anything....and they seemed to enjoy muching the beans.
i got her out and ive managed to keep her away from any more beans but is it bad for a dog??
please advise