
New member
Feb 8, 2005
South Africa
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Heres a new one...

I was roasting over the weekend....and because i work alone i kinda have my hands full at one stage when i was grinding while i had a batch sitting in the roaster and one batch sitting in the cooling trey.

I usually never have anything or anyone interrupting me but this time i didnt close the door and my big, fat and lazy labradore came prancing in the simply jumped up against the roaster, stuck her head into the cooling trey and ended up with a BIG mouth full of warm coffee beans. she didnt burn her mouth or anything....and they seemed to enjoy muching the beans.

i got her out and ive managed to keep her away from any more beans but is it bad for a dog??

please advise

I dont think its a problem for my Siberian Husky, she loves coffee. When I get home form roasting she is pretty much hanging out to jump me for coffee leftovers. I am not too sure though about letting her into the roastery...dogs are not popular in Java at the best of times...husky hair coffee would probably bankrupt me :grin:
Dog Brew

My Springer hates the beans but my Brittany will guzzle down a cup and crunch on roasted beans all day. I'll let him lick out the cup and eat a bean or two but that's it. These are DOGS after all, not people. Coffee isn't the healthiest food for us let alone a dog. It also depends on the breed. Some hyper ankle dog might go into arrest where a larger dog like the lab couldn't get excited over much of anything. The reply concerning the stomach lining is good expecially since their stomach is like an acid pit and their digestion is slower than ours. I'd just cool it with a lot of coffee or go decafe. There you go -- that sounds like a very marketable shop -- The Decafe Barkery.

Live Well --
choco dogs

I thought that cocoa would kill a dog.
There is some big deal here in the states about Nestle making a lawn fertiliser out of the left over husks from their production that is making dogs drop left and right.
I read this too- a lot of pet websites warn very strongly against giving chocolate to dogs. Mine was accidentally hooked on coffee by one of our employees who used to feed her half a bar at lunchtime. I was not too happy when I found out, but as she is still alive, thriving and absolutley loving the stuff...I guess it has no effect on her. Now she goes beserk if she can smell chocolate...and not get her drooling mouth on the stuff :grin:
Choc Dog

Again, it depends on the breed. My dogs have jumped up on tables and eaten large amounts of chocolate w/o any repercussions. It also depends on the chocolate. How pure, etc. Like coffee, it's probably better left to humans. I haven't started eating dog food yet or chewing on bones so I think I'll keep the chocolate to myself. At least I take my time eating it vs our dogs that don't know how to chew.

Live well --
I am glad you touched on dog food consumption. A couple of years back we hosted Prof Massimo, the civetologist, from Guelph University. He was telling us how one of his students used to be a "dog food tester" for one of the big US pet food companies. Her job was, believe it or not, too test the dog food. It was like a full-time job. The Prof reckoned that dog food is actually pretty good quality- except its quite bland... maybe thats why my husky prefers chocolate and coffee :wink:
I'll have to find my source and post it here but it hasn't been so long ago that coffee is on the 'no-no' list of things your pet/dog/cat can not consume. A shame too because my pom loves coffee. Black!

Caffeine can be deadly to a dog as well as horses, parrots and many other animals. They cannot metabolize the substance they way we do making coffee, chocolate or any other product containing caffeine potentially lethal. The problem is, yes, they love it. But unless you want your pet paws up, better keep it away from the coffee and chocolate.
A friend of mine that worked as a veterinary technician said that diabetes was a virtual death sentence for dogs and that anything containing sugar was a bad idea for them.

Ultimately it probably depends on the breed. Some dogs have very gentle stomachs and some seem to be able to eat tacs and have no problems.

Treat your pet humanly, not human, and it should live a long happy life.