Good Bean Reading?


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Nov 4, 2004
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Here are some books I am thinking of buying to help learn about running a bean drive thru. Has anybody read these? Any other reading suggestions?

Bean Business Basics
Effective and Essential Marketing for the Specialty Coffee Retailer
Espresso 101
Espresso 501
Everything But Coffee
Opening a Specialty Coffee Drive Thru
Spilling The Beans

Bean biz Basics has a ton of info, I think its more geared to the started rather than someone whos already in business. Anoter book by belissimo I found better for those already in operation is 'Achieving Success in Specialty Coffee'.
Schomers book is great for learning and piquing your interest in espresso prep. Its called Espresso coffee : Professional Techniques. I'd call this a 'must have'.
Another little gem I found was a book simply called 'Beans' in the biz section of your bookstore. Written by Yerkes & Decker and published by Jossey-Bass, its a story about a guy who owns a coffeehouse and hires a consultant to help him find the problems in his shop when business starts taking a dive. I found it very insightful and a fun read. Strongly recommended.
I also use the Esp 101 video as an intro before I start training on the espresso machine. Its good and covers quite a bit.