How many cups of coffee you Drink

JBalentine said:
but you wouldn't touch instant coffee if you had no other choice? Even ones?

No, I'm at a point in my life where I drink a cup of coffee to enjoy it. If theres not a great cup of coffee available then I feel no need or obligation to drink coffee.

The same goes for espresso. Before I drink a latte or macchiato at a new coffee shop, I always order a double ristretto, my favorite :). But it also shows if the coffee and barista are good.

How many coffee drinks a day?

I drink around 2 cups a day. I drink one first thing in the a.m. and then I nurse my second cup, sometimes all day, reheat and end up drinking it stone cold. :oops:
Wow I must be headed for an early pine box. I get a pot in the A.M. and most of a pot in the P.M. now on the weekends its that and an espresso or two :-D But on the other hand I quit hunting White Tail as the hands are not as steady as they used to be. :shock:
I get up rather early....usually sometime between 4:00 and 5:00am. If I'm getting ready for work, I'll fix enough drip coffee for a cup before leaving and a 20 oz. mug on the way (I drive 40-50 minutes to work). I usually don't drink it all before getting there, but have been known to. On a normal workday, that's all I'll have.

Right now, I'm recovering from back surgery and have only had two cups of coffee since last Monday. For whatever reason, I've had flu-like symptoms since and can hardly get a cup down.

Before going in, I'd easily drink 6 to 8 cups in the morning. Now, this is 8 oz. cups. If we're counting coffee mugs or cups of coffee, then consider it 2 or 3. I like my mugs on the bigger side. I might drink a couple more throughout the day.

I used to drink much more than I do these days.....about 2 pots a day. I had to cut back for medical reasons.

Right now, I'm wishing I could have a cup.....but it just doesn't sound good. So I'm not craving it in the least. For my caffein fix, I'm relying on tea and an occasional Mountain Dew.

This is a great topic. :D
depends on the day... sometimes around 7, sometimes down to 2, it varies depending on what I'm doing :).
Depends on the day, at least 2-3 cups in the morning. Doing service calls and installations I get offered coffee all the time from generous homeowners and always graciously accept. On any given day I will drink it pretty much non-stop until I feel ill should I be given the oppurtunity.

As for the instant coffee comments...I don't enjoy instant coffee anywhere near as much as 'real' coffee but I would take it over nothing. Having an instant hot water dispenser and a 10 + year old jar of instant flakes has allowed me to arrive at work ontime and still have a cup of Joe on a few occasions.

i also get coffee offered to me all the time also. the thing i dont like is the caffine. sometimes i think i get to much. i know you are going to say "what about de-caf" but no one makes it. every one i know is a caffine junkie. there has to be something else.
desert rose said:

This is for fun facts only, I want every member to say how many cups of coffee he/she drinks each day.

As for me, I drink two cups of coffee each day.

:!: :)

That depends on my cash flow! :) Normally I have between 2-3 a day.
Back in the days I only had a simple coffee machine i drank about 3 cups a day... Now that I have a nice espresso machine I drink about 1 or 2 a day, because it just takes more time to prepare, but heck it tastes good :D
whats a "cup"? I drink about two big mugs a day, but it does vary with time I get up, when I want to go to bed, etc.

Usually it's a two-cup drip machine mug-full in the morning (try to decode that :lol: ), one medium to large store cup in the A.M. going into work, and a medium to large store cup in the afternoon.

Now that I'm outta work though ( :? :( ) it's one mug in the A.M. and one two two medium cups during the day while looking or surfing the net.
hi, newbie here,

for me at least 2 drinks a day. one hot in the morning and one icy in the evening
i like to drink coffe very much specialy in is very much keeps me refresh and energetic all you know it has a good effect on our health and mind.i''v recently read like this in a journal.
:-D I drink 3 to 4 pots a day. I work nights and am the mother of a very active 2 year old who doesn't go to daycare. This means I average 12-14 hours of sleep a week. Thank heaven for coffee!!!
how many cups

4 cups of coffee and 2 double expresso all brewed from home roasted coffee.
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