How to get beans directly from origin to your roaster?


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Mar 12, 2004
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I was always wondering if there is a way to get green beans in "small quantities" from the country of origin to Europe or USA. By small quantities I mean 3-10 sacks. What kind of service do you use? Thanks
I think anything is doable if you are willing to pay for the freight.....and the beans up front.
Oops!..............I was thinking U.S. to you in Europe but I think you are talking country of origin.
Wow......that would be an endeavour.
Such small quantities are looking for trouble and the shipping will kill you.

I would suggest getting the incredible beans you want from Sweet Maria's, as you cannot get better pricing, selection or hassle free delivery.

hi, thanks for answers. sorry for the late reply. in US i do get my beans from sweet marias ;) But I still have my old business in Europe and I was thinking to get more exciting beans then the competition. But I agree this is such a small quantity. Some roasters do it, travel around the world and find beans. I guess they must team up with others.... hmmm. Thanks a lot.
I am going to buy a Micro Lot through Cafe Imports next year. They tell me it will be small enough for me to buy the entire microlot, 20 to 30 bags. I plan on going to origin with them next year in Jan Feb or March 2012 to get video and photos of the finca too! I have been a customer of Cafe Imports for 8 years now so a long business relationship helps!
You can start with doing a google search on "coffee farmer", "coffee farms", etc. Send the site owners an email stating your desire to buy direct.

As an aside, note that there are customs fees, etc., which may be prohibitive for you. Due to such you may wish to stick with wholesale distributors like (I have used them and they are an excellent distributor).

Also check locally in your area of the USA for a local roaster that might sell to you green beans wholesale. Sweet Maria's is geared toward the home enthusiast for pricing. However I used Theta Ridge for a long time before I started wholesaling my beans and I will say Kevin (owner) is competitive in pricing for smaller roasters and shop roasters. Green beans are pretty expensive these days and once you add S&H you will be close to retail prices so be careful.
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