Ccafe's derisive dismissal to the contrary notwithstanding, the Keurig machine has a place within the legitimate world of coffee. It does not make the best coffee, by a long shot. It will never satisfy those who claim to discern a difference in the taste of coffee ground five minutes before brewing versus ten minutes before brewing, or those who firmly believe that two degrees difference in the temperature of the brewing water makes all the difference. Neither, and this is significant in a forum such as this one, will it ever be accepted by those who make their money from coffeeshops or beans or roasters or grinders.
It is not perfect. Most of the blends are too weak, a consequence, I'm told, of an error in judgment on the part of the designers, who did not make the cups quite large enough. And Ccafe is correct in noting that one has no idea when the beans were roasted, ground, packaged. compare it to Folgers or Maxhell House is self-evidently foolish. The Keurig (and maybe a few of the other pod variants) makes coffee a heck of a lot better than one is going to get 99% of the time, whether it be made at home or in a shop.
And it is consistent, convenient, quick, and easy for those to whom coffee is merely a beverage and not a religion.
Try Tully's. Many people think it is the best of the lot.
OBTW, Ccafe and others, I am NOT a swill-drinker. My usual cup is from Intelligentsia, ordered weekly, ground immediately before brewing, and prepared in a Technivorm KD-741. My Keurig is used when I want a single cup in a hurry and don't have time to do the other.