I'm been drinking coffee since I was a kid, I was diagnosed with ADD and put on a dose of Ritalin powerful enough to sedate a few elephants, (this was back in the 80's when they thought more was better :shock: ) Now I drink 4 to 5 16oz cups before I switch to something else such as espresso or pop (soda).
ADD, bahumbug! I'm fine, is it the coffee maybe, maybe not. I am more energetic and feel better about myself! The problem with our society is that we need that all curing pill. If it doesn't work will make one better and so on! What we really need to do is get all these people off antidepressants and take them outside and show them life isn't about being stuck inside dropping pills and watching soaps.
Too many people are looking for the escape goat. It’s not about caffeine, or nicotine, or the food we eat. It’s about our society as a whole. If I don't feel good go to the doctor and get a prescription. It is just like the commercial, work harder, skip your vacation and take a pill!
If you know your fat, and eating makes you happy, why stop! Because America says you have too. So you stop, now your depressed. You pop some pills and from there everything will start to go down hill.
What I am saying is just live your life normally. If you’re happy drinking coffee who cares about the side affects. You are more likely to get killed driving to work then dieing from drinking 2 cups a coffee everyday for the rest of your life!
The reason I use the exception is simple, of all the people that are living past 100 and are active. How many of them are popping all the pills that doctors prescribe. The last guy I talked to that was even close was in his mid 90’s. He told me straight up, if I wanted to live that long, be happy. Don’t eat too much, don’t drink too much, and don’t pop all those pills.
Personally I think its more genetics then anything. I’m cursed with bad genes. But hey I’m having fun and making the most of it drinking my coffee and waiting till the day that I can finally meet my maker and have good rest and no longer worry about my earthly woes.