Question: Coffee or Wine After A Meal?


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Oct 7, 2008
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Hello all! I''m working on an article and could use some community feedback. After your done with a meal, do you find yourself reaching for coffee or wine more often? What factors effect your decision?

I''ve noticed some people drink wine with the meal, and coffee after. But others reach for ''dessert'' wines like port. These kinds of details would be great - thank you for your input!
During dinner most certainly wine. After dinner- desert wine ( a sticky) or Port- if with cheese etc. After all that, then the coffee.

In some places in Europe there is an increasing focus though on actually matching main courses with a particular coffee. I find this interesting. We by tradition pare the coffee with end of meal consumption. Hndreds of years ago coffee was probably drunk during the meal, like wine is today.
... a finish to an exceptional meal

... a finish to an exceptional meal.

This is a writing from CoffeeSharks, for fine dining restaurateurs. They consider much the same question, as they decide what or whether to sell toward the end of the dining experience.

With all attention to creating a wonderful experience, our diners have been very satisfied. All courses have been completed, leaving only dessert, a cordial and a coffee or tea. There is no hurry. Our diners are enjoying their senses. Their appetite is satisfied. They feel very comfortable and relaxed. They might be interested in a little sweet. Something to sooth their full tummies. Perhaps a brandy. Or an exceptional coffee or tea.

We have heard this message preached for many years: “the coffee is the last impression you can make on your diners, make it the best”. It is true. But is choosing a merely good coffee enough? Does it match up in a fitting way with the meal your diners just experienced?

Consider the extent that is travelled to find the Fiddlehead Ferns, the Morels, the Wolfs Neck Farms Beef, the Wild Alaskan Salmon. Shouldn’t their last impression live up to this same attention to detail?

Let your diners continue their experience. Offer them some more excellence. Keep them in at the table. They really don’t want to leave. This is your opportunity to build check average. This is where much of the profit is earned. Continue the story. Sell the coffee and tea just as you would your wine selection. Diners wish to be sold. But the coffee story must be compelling ….

CoffeeSharks Cafe Insights Group
What are you having after dinner?

For me, after dinner, the wine is done. I would go with a digestif (Cointreau, boni santi or such)or a coffee. After that, if you must, a scotch
I'm going to disgust some of you; I prefer a beer. Not just any beer, but something special such as a Bock or a genuine brewed-to-style India Pale Ale. Something with some malt character or descernable hop nose.... well crafted beers are a joy, as are great coffee and good wine ( although I'm not a wine lover)... is the new Wine. :)