Recipe to make Starbucks White chocolate moca


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Nov 21, 2004
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I bought some white chocolate moca syrup (not starbucks one) and attempted to make a cup of coffee with flavor similar to starbucks white chocolate moca. However, the taste is so different from the starbucks one that I do not think that it has anything to do with the proportion of the ingrediants that I put. Do I must use starbucks syrup in order to make starbucks white chocolate moca? What is the recipe for making it? Thanks a lot.
white mocha coffee recipe

3 ounces white chocolate, chopped
2 cups half-and-half or whole milk
2 cups hot freshly brewed coffee

Heat the white chocolate and milk over medium heat, or for 2 minutes on high. Stir occasionally until the chocolate is completely melted and the mixture is smooth.

Add the coffee.

Pour into large cappucino style mugs. If you are so inclined you can add a little whipped cream and/or chocolate curls. Serve hot.

Makes 4-6 servings, save one for me :D
yeutingliu...I noticed on another post that you are looking for an espresso make a mocha you need can not use just regular drip coffee.
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Re: white mocha coffee recipe

Thanks so much for your suggestions. I am still experimenting with different ingrediants in order to make a while chocolate moca comparable to that of Starbucks'. I'm just curious about whether starbucks syrup really makes such a difference. In fact, one can buy many flavors of starbucks syrups from local starbucks stores, but just not white chocolate moca syrup.
I have tried chopped white chocolate (instead of the white chocolate moca syrup that I bought) as one of you suggested, and the coffee tastes much better. It's a pity that the the unit price I need to make a white chocolate moca is much more expensive if I use chopped white chocolate chips.
I'm trying to do the same thing, and I also discovered Starbucks does not sell the white chocolate moca syrup. So, where can you find white chocolate moca syrup and/or the white chocolate moca bars?
White Mocha

I too have been experimenting with Starbucks drinks - just mastered the Carmel Macciato...yum. I found a bottle of white choc. mocha sauce in the store the other day. i can't remember the brand, but i'm going to try it. I saw it at Albertson's. I'm not sure if you have an ALbertson's where you live or not, but it's our local grocery store.
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Re: White Mocha

I have not been able to do my experiments due to my crazy schedule. I am interested to know if syrup is indeed what makes the difference. Somehow the white chocolate syrup that I used (which is produced by a very famous chocolate brand) has a very strong smell of plastics. That smell stayed in my coffee regardless of how much caramel I added to the coffee. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone has any clues regarding how to make white chocolate moca comparable to the taste of starbucks. My girl friend does not allow me to buy another brand of white chocolate syrup to experiment before I finished consuming the syrup I bought (unless I am sure that it's the syrup that causes the difference)...So, save me from consuming that bottle of syrup that has a strange taste...
I tried Albertson's, they seem to have everything but WCM syrup. I'll try another store. Thanks.

BTW - I searched the Internet and it looks like Ghirardelli Chocolates sells the WCM sauce (same as syrup?). If you have one in you area, give that a try.

Also - yeutingliu, your gonig to need an expresso machine to get anywhere close to the taste your trying to achieve.
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Well, the syrup that I got is actually from Ghirardelli--the one that I found with a strong smell of burning plastics. I have also got an espresso machine and I have tested using both regular coffee (as suggested by some of my friends) and espresso. But none of them come any closer to the starbucks one...

maxey said:
I tried Albertson's, they seem to have everything but WCM syrup. I'll try another store. Thanks.

BTW - I searched the Internet and it looks like Ghirardelli Chocolates sells the WCM sauce (same as syrup?). If you have one in you area, give that a try.

Also - yeutingliu, your gonig to need an expresso machine to get anywhere close to the taste your trying to achieve.
Hi yeutingliu,

I was just about to pickup the Ghirardelli syrup; maybe I’ll pass on that one. Thanks for the tip.
After talking to a couple of Starbucks employee's, they recommended buying the white chocolate bars and melting them. I gave it a try last night and it actually came out pretty decent, not quite Starbucks caliber yet, but good enough for my teenage son to compliment “hey dad, this is pretty good. It’s almost like Starbucks!â€
Try not sure if they sell to the consumer or just retail stores...I will post a phone number tomorrow when I get back to work. It is awsome stuff! As the sbux caramel Macchiato it is not a carmel is a latte with vanilla topped with the only caramel in the drink is the topping.

New to the forum, found it funny it appears other people are doing exactly what I am doing. Trying to make the white chocolate moca. I bought a white chocolate syrup that is a flavoring syrup and doesn't actual contain white chocolate. It doesn't smell like white chocolate or taste like it. I also have been trying it with just normal coffee I don't have an espresso machine.

I actually don't care much for coffee at all, but I'm trying to learn. I recieved a mr. coffee drip machine but I think coffee is too weak, tastes like water. Even at the stores. But I love the mocas. Any advice on a cheap espresso. I read a post about a guy looking for a gift for his girlfriend of a 150 dollar espresso machine people seemed to just laugh at him. For someone who isn't into coffee as much would I really be disappointed with the basic espresso machines at a target/wal-mart/sears store equivilent? Especially if I'm going to mix it with so much cream and flavorings. Thanks.