Smart Drug better than Caffeine?


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Sep 8, 2003
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"If one could develop drugs that are absolutely safe, that have no down side, then I think that these would be used as memory enhancers for people who are middle-aged or younger."

At the University of Cambridge, clinical neuropsychologist Barbara Sahakian thinks her team has demonstrated what could potentially be the first such smart pill. The drug in question, modafinil or Provigil as it is marketed, has actually been around for a long time and is routinely prescribed for narcolepsy or excessive daytime sleepiness. Anecdotal evidence suggests that healthy people also take it, when they can get hold of it, to keep them alert and to allow them to work more efficiently.

In a study published earlier this year in the journal Psychopharmacology, Sahakian's group gave 60 healthy young men either 100mg or 200mg doses of modafinil, and compared their performance on a battery of neuropsychological tests to that of a control group who received a placebo. Those who took the drug showed improved performances on tests that required them to think before acting - that is, tasks involving planning and working memory, functions associated with the brain's frontal cortex.

"I don't think the significance of this [Psychopharmacology] paper has fully been realized," said Sahakian. "The drug improves cognition in healthy volunteers, and it doesn't seem to make anything worse, so you're getting enhancement without impairment." There has been some debate over whether modafinil has anything over caffeine in terms of the cognitive benefits it brings, but Sahakian says that no-one has yet ruled out that caffeine-users have a cognitive price to pay for any enhancing effect

Price? I dunno..I think coffee makes me smarter (and I can use all the help I can get!)
Using drugs that stimulate brain function is not entirely cost-effective. At the very least, you should think about side effects, since the body may not be able to withstand such drastic loads and it is not known what can happen. I don't see anything wrong with using CDB in 2020. It perfectly relieves fatigue and relaxes after a hard-working week. I love its properties thanks to CBD I became more productive during the week. Recently, I began to use the CDB for his glass smoking pipe. The effect is amazing!
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I took Adderall in college and did not like the uncomfortable jitteriness. Coffee & espresso's work sometimes, especially to shake those morning cobwebs out. However, some days when 2pm rolls around I can sleep after a double shot of espresso. That's why I tried Modafinil a few years back and I use it when I have days where I need to get a lot done. I take 50mg (half a pill) and work 10 hours straight. Order food, and only take bathroom breaks. It's amazing & it affects. Coffee can't do that.

It also makes me feel better, increases my mood. Adderall & caffeine doesn't have that kind of effect.

There has been times where I didn't take enough and I would fall asleep on them. There have been times where I took too much and it felt like adderall (think of it like 3 quick shots of espresso). Some months I don't ever need it, other months (like last month) I took it 2 times a week. So it's not habit forming.
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Caffeine is also another obvious nootropic (smart drug) for energy levels, & it's especially useful when combined with L-Theanine, a substance that counteracts the side effects of anxiety & jitters associated with heavy coffee drinkers.
Don't know much difference about caffeine and smart drugs. But smart drugs do help for more hours with sleep issue. I usually Buy Modvigil For Sale Online from Pharmacy as they also offer free pills on every purchase.