Hello everyone , I am new here and of course a coffee lover.( dark roast only) I just wanted to post about some of the health benefits of coffee as stated by Dr Charles Livingston
who own Lifeboost Coffe where he states that
who own Lifeboost Coffe where he states that
- Coffee drinkers are less likely to die from some of the leading causes of death coffee...contains antioxidants and other active substances that may reduce internal inflammation and protect against disease.
- Dark roast coffee decreases breakage in DNA strands, which occur naturally but can lead to cancer or tumors if not repaired by your cells.
- ...coffee drinkers - decaf or regular - were 26 percent less likely to develop colorectal cancer.
- Coffee is chock full of substances that may help guard against...Alzheimer's disease and heart disease. So that sounds good you can visit the site here > http://lifeboostcoffee.com/?ref=372is organic and pesticide free also low acid take a look at what they have.
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