We've found the best coffee machines ever


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Oct 28, 2010
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...or have we?

Hey, everyone! My name's Dani and I work for a company named Pikimal which specializes in making decision-making tools called pikis. My job is to build the pikis related to food and drink. I recently put together a piki designed to help people choose a coffee maker.

I'm looking for some coffee experts (or novices!) to give the piki a whirl and see if the results make sense. Do we have the right products? Do we give the user enough information? What do you love/hate about the whole thing?

So, for anyone who'd like to help out, here's the piki: http://pikimal.com/best/coffee-makers/72

Essentially, you open one of the templates (i.e. "Best Coffee Makers for Coffee Lovers") and move the sliders to indicate your preferences. The whole thing *should* be intuitive, but if it's not clear what you should do, please tell us! (A piki can't help people make a decision if they can't figure out how to use it. :))

Thanks in advance for all of your help! Your feedback means a lot to me.


Piki Eat
First & foremost any truly good drip brewer needs to be able to deliver 200* water to the grounds. Most don't & the performance category isn't even mentioned in your Coffee Lovers section.
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Thanks, John! In fact, this is the kind of information I'm looking for. I'm not a coffee expert myself, so while I have a general sense of what consumers might look for in a coffee machine, the exact specifics are sometimes a little fuzzy for me.

So, if this tool needed to be useful to coffee experts, it would need to be able to filter out machines which don't heat water to 200F. What else might I want to be able to include/exclude?

Again, thanks for the info. It's very helpful! :)
Check out the glorious Technivorm Moccamaster. King of the coffee machine if you ask me.
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coffeeloverlisa - I think that coffee maker might be more complex than my cellphone! Haha. Their website really helped me out, though. :) Thanks for the great information!