Which blended ice drink do you use?

Blue Monkey Too

New member
Feb 11, 2005
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Big Train? Caffe D'Amore? Cappuccine? What do you use and how popular is it? Do you use a wide variety of flavors or just a couple? What do you pay for bulk wholesale? What is your retail price? Thanks for any responses.
While I look forward to trying a number of these at Coffee Fest in Vegas this weekend, I'm wondering how many of you hacve experience with the Island Oasis product and their equipment program. Do any other suppliers offer an equipment program? While I'd love to own the hardware out-right, cash is a little tight and a good equipment program would be a nice thing.

Bob DeLano
Frozen Mocha

I just use left over espresso which I keep in the frig along with a couple pumps of chocolate and some mild, blend with ice and top with whipped cream. Works great and is ALLOT cheaper than Big Train. As I make it I explain to people that I'm making their drink with REAL espresso. Everyone seems to love it.
Different Choices

Dark mocha blended - Mocafe Wild Tribe Moka
White mocha blended - Cappucine White Symphany

We have many fans, these are the two most popular and also run me 41 to 42% cost of product...if I raise prices I'm over market as I'm next to a baskin robins, a yogurt places and 3 starbucks....
editorbob said:
While I look forward to trying a number of these at Coffee Fest in Vegas this weekend, I'm wondering how many of you hacve experience with the Island Oasis product and their equipment program. Do any other suppliers offer an equipment program? While I'd love to own the hardware out-right, cash is a little tight and a good equipment program would be a nice thing.

Bob DeLano

I use Island Oasis smoothie mixes and frozen yogurt. Their own R2D2 looking blender is not bad, but I think Blendtec Smoother, which I think Island Oasis can get, produces a smoothie that is silkier in texture. Having said that, I must admit customers are more impress with the big bad R2D2 blender. I don't know if there is a minimum volume you need to meet before they let you use one of their blenders, but I do know if they want your business bad enough, they will wave the delivery and set up charge ($400???).
Sorry about that.

In my description of a blended mocha I said "mild". It should have been "milk".

The recipe is:

Add Ice to the blender. I use 16 or 20 oz.
a shot or two of left over espresso kept in the frig.
2 pumps of chocolate
some MILK

Blend until smooth and top with whipped cream.

For a blended white mocha, I substitute with a full scoop of Ghiradelli White Chocolate

Sorry about the mistake.
Less then Sweet as a Frap

911 what you described I have on my menu as well, and I offer it at a lower price and a kids version with out the espresso. But its not overly popular compared to the more expensive "frap" type drinks supported by products like Mocafe, Cappucine, Big Train, Gheradelli (sp), etc....I use only the first two so I don't know much about the later ones. My biggest problem is the expense...I'm running 41 to 43% on these drinks and its killing me...but if I raise my prices on them I'm way over market compared to baskin robins, yogurt shops and the 3 starbucks that have me surrounded....I should rename my place the Alamo
Re: Less then Sweet as a Frap

celement said:
...I'm running 41 to 43% on these drinks and its killing me...

:lol: ... I am amazed that you can figure your cost that close. Maybe if I could figure that I would not use big train vanilla latte (4 oz), double shot, milk, shot of choc. And ice. Give me a hint as how you do it !!!
Get a Calculator

Jammin...take a few minutes and figure out;

1) How many ounces in the container of Big Train you buy?
2) How many ounces you put into the drink
3) How much it is per ounce - thats easy;
4) How many ounces of milk, do you buy milk by the gallon I think that is 128 ounces if I'm not mistaken...divide your gallong of milk cost by 128 multiply by the ounces you add to the drink
5) My espresso costs me about 11 cents a shot...
6) Cup and Lid

Takes time, but I've done it on every drink....why do you think I promote Lattes so much :) :-)
I use creamice, it's from Seattles Best. It comes in Mango, Rasberry, Mocha, and Latte. On the bottle it calls for like 4oz of teh coffe syrup and i think like 6 oz ice.... it yields a black tar-like substance which is usually too sweet for most people.... I use only about 2oz of the syrup, milk and about 2 scoops of ice. Comes out pretty nice, only think is the coffee taste isnt always as strong so i sometimes use some espresso. I picked up some samples of teh mocafe and i didnt like it too much, its nice that its a powder so its eaiser to get teh proportions right, but it tasted like Chocolate milk.....
big train blended drinks

I have been open for about 9 months now and I've used Big Train for about 8 months. They offer a great variety of flavors and great POS support with posters etc. They also offer buy 5 cases, get the 6th free, free shipping and it only takes 4-5 days to get the product. I use the individual packets due to storage issues (I'm a drive thru only). They also have 2 great low card, low cal flavors - mocha and vanilla. I figure my cost on a 16 ounce is about $1.55 and I sell the, for $3.00 - but am rasing that to $3.50 soon, as our market area is priced at about that. I also use the Bog Train Fruit Tea Balst - the flavor beats Jet Tea hands down (in my opinion and in a few blind taste test I did with my customers).
Re: Frozen Mocha

Espresso911 said:
I just use left over espresso which I keep in the frig along with a couple pumps of chocolate and some mild, blend with ice and top with whipped cream. Works great and is ALLOT cheaper than Big Train. As I make it I explain to people that I'm making their drink with REAL espresso. Everyone seems to love it.

My shop has been opened 5yrs now, and I have used the same recipe that 911 stated since I opened. 2ozs of coffee or espresso, 2ozs 2% milk, 1 oz ( 3-4 squirts of pump) of flavor, 16 oz of ice more or less and a really good blender ( we use a Vita-Mix), topped with whip cream. I also do a cream version ( no coffee ) using 4 oz milk and 2ozs of flavor. Both are big sellers at my shop and my profit is good....I tried mixes once and my customers did not like them, so went back to doing it from scratch..
Blended ice drinks

I use Dr. Smoothie Vanilla Cream and add 2 shots of Espresso, ice and water = Amazing!!!!! Not the cheapest but by far the best I've tried. You should always use fresh espresso - turns bitter if left too long even for cold drinks
OK- stupid question here-
911- you mention that you keep the left over espresso in the frig-
Do you mean "that days" left over- how long does it keep?? I thought it goes bitter once it all settles?
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