A very Sad Starbucks Barista


New member
Mar 21, 2004
Essex County, NJ
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My first job ever was working for starbucks when I was 15. I worked for a year and then quit so I could focus on the ever important JR. of high school. I am now 19 and a Frosh at PSU. Majoring in food marketing and minor in Horticulte scinces. I returned to starbucks recently.

My goal is to become a coffee buyer~one day.

MY district manager told me I had unrealistic long term dreams. I have never felt so crushed or heart broken in my life. I have requested many times a trainer to help devlope my skills both in the store and at school and all I get is the run around.
My Personal coffee story started when I was 11 when I worked with Caribou coffee on a school project.
I trully love what I do. I can't imagine doing anything else. I need help from anyone, someone. Starbucks, has as of tuesday, when I talked to the DM, has sucked the life out me. I want to learn as much as I can.

As it turns out, Starbucks Talks the talk, but can't back any of it up. I am looking for a teacher/mentor. I am a good student, the pastry specalist, and for just being a 19 year old kid, I think I know alot about the beans.
Thank you,
Lily :? :? 8) :cry: YOU CAN E MAIL AT SOPHSTERILY@YAHOO.COM OR AIM ME AT SOPH67. please help
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Dear EspresssoOutfitters,
Thank you so much for your post. The one thing that I have noticed about Starbucks, is that they brain wash their people into thinking that not only do they sell the greatest beans, but that if you work hard enough it will pay off. I had already figured out that there was no way that Starbucks could be the "greatest perveyer of coffee in the world". The company is just way to big, and if it takes 2000 coffee cherries to make one roasted pound of Arabian Mocha Jave/sunani..then with 7,500 stoes..well as you know something just doesn't add up.
Starbucks has taught me alot about business in general, but at this point I need a little more. I have a years plus expiernce there in all, and they wont pay be the amount that I left at when I was 16. A small cafe i Interviewed for is willing to pay me $9.50, plus tips. Thats alot more then I am making now.
Your E mail has reminded me that there is a world outside of Starbucks, and that I too have been brainwashed by the GIANT.
I have started my own coffee book, a collection of thinigs I have learned from many differnt sources. It comes in very handy.
If I have to learn the trade on my own, then I'm just going to have to do it. This Forum is GREAT! for a little Barista..coffee buyer wanna be..it has already taught me alot.
If you could recommend any web sites, books, people etc. that might be of use to me, please be so kind as to pass that info my way.
Thank you again,
LilyBean :-D
Here, here...

I love to see people striking out on their own and becoming successful at what they love. However, let's not hang on the idea that you will stick with a company for 25 years and get a gold watch. The larger companies are loyal to share holders these days, not employees. When we founded our company 10 years ago both my partner and I worked for a company called RJ Reynolds. Both of us had been with that company about 10 years each and made that company tons of money. But as soon as they saw some of their profits going south, they began to cut the force that was feeding the company and kept the upper management because we were not part of their jet setting life style sitting in the Ivory Tower offices. We learned a valuable lesson. That lesson was to start our own business. Here we are today.

One thing I might suggest is to visit a coffee broker or two and see if they are willing to bring you on as a part time employee and learn as much as you can, and who knows, that may be a good start for you.

Good luck...
I would just like to echo Coffee Guys comments. Many of the people I have meet in the industry got their start somewhere else. An obvious one is NWJava- who was with the FDA. I myself started with Pepsico in one of their restaurant divisions. A broker I know was a rubber expert based in Vietnam, another succesful roaster was an airline piolet! Eventually we all ended up here... doing something we love! I think one of the great things about the coffee industry is the true depth of diversity that exists. From the Baristas to the roasters, the growers at origin to the brokers and distributors in the destination country. Its a really rewarding business to be involved in.... good luck Lilybean :)
I would put $1000 betting you will get far in the Coffee/food business.

As for your district manager, I have to give them little respect telling a college student that their goals are unrealistic is BS. In my opinion you do look on your way, maybe not with starbucks, but could easly be a coffee buyer one day.
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I quit starbucks!!

Hey Coffee Kids!
I quit starbucks last tuesday in the middle of my shift. I couldn't take it anymore. I was very sick, which added to my inprop-to-quitting. It was quite dramatic and a little funny. On the spot I got offered a job working at catering hall. The owner is well known "baller" who lives in my town. He grabed me up fast. He wants to teach me the about the business from the inside out as far running your own company goes.
With the encourage ment of one of the people who posted, I'm going to figure this out on my own with his help ( I called you yesterday*).
When I was 13 years old my dad took me and my family to the Costa Rican Cloud Forest. We stayed on a coffee plantation. I know what I want to do with my life, I personally think it's a gift to have this type of direction and drive at my age. Once again I am very thankful for all your support. Although I am now "unrehirable" at Starbucks ( oh..well bug loss) I have learned that from Starbucks what it really means to treat your people right. If I ever strike out on my own, and eventually have my own little cafe, I will help devlope the dreams and ambitions of my people as best as I can. It has been a great lesson.
If you ever pass by a cafe/coffee house called LilyBeans, stop in!! ha ha, I am looking forward to the day. Till then I plan on learning as much as I can.
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a baller is

A baller is someone who drives a bently pretty much. He's a businman who not acts the part but is the part. He is confident, but not over the top.
He's the guy who drives his bently, goes to amazing parties etc. you get the idea, hes kinda like P. Diddy, except hes not that showy.
Something tells me that you should look into meeting with the industry next month in Atlanta. It's the SCAA annual; check out the web site for details.

European greetings

I think everybody who is passionate about the coffee gets his/her way. I think thats what the CEO of Starbucks said in the "Pour your heart into it". So your manager was basically contradicting to his big boss. Anyway I am in Europe and Starbucks here is famouse offering charcoals istead of coffee. They have some place in Vienna (cca 3hours drive) but i do not think they do very well. Well I just hope your dreams come true and I am sure that some day we will meet on some European Coffee Conference. I have a huge respect for people who are doing everything to make their dreams real....especially in the coffee business :wink:


Well, your (ex)manager sounds like a real motivator......NOT!
What an @rse....It's just that sort of attitude that stifles entrepreneurs and people's ambitions....you are better off out of that environment!

Have a read of the following book if you need inspiration....not so much about coffee, but more about determination.

Anyone Can Do It : Building Coffee Republic from our Kitchen Table ISBN: 1841125792

This coffee house is still trading in the UK and meet Starbucks head-on and (in my opinion) beat them hands down (although thats not too hard in the UK....as Starbucks are not good here).

I wish I knew what I wanted to do when I was 19!!!

This thread lacks want clearly needs to be said:

I think it is great that you have high goals and ambition. It is not my intention to criticize without purpose but someone needs to point out the obvious.

During your development you might want to rethink your propensity to act emotionally or “spur of the momentâ€