Eight O'Clock Coffee


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Nov 18, 2015
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Even though it's a store brand, it's probably my favorite store brand coffee I've ever had. Sure it doesn't have those wonderful flavors that freshly roasted beans have but it's quite a solid cup and the history of the company is quite neat, coming back from the 1800's! If you're interested in it, here's my full rundown of Eight O'clock coffee as a coffee and a brand. What do you think of most store brand coffees? Or if you've had Eight O'clock coffee, what do you think of it?
My wife buys the kcup version all the time. Before I started buying beans online I did drink a lot of Eight O'clock original, I also liked the Dunkin' Donuts original, both decent for store bought. I'd really like to try both of those again if I could get them fresh roasted. We also had a couple grocery stores that sold Millstone in the clear hoppers but they both got rid of those a few years back, I didn't care much for them.
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My wife buys the kcup version all the time. Before I started buying beans online I did drink a lot of Eight O'clock original, I also liked the Dunkin' Donuts original, both decent for store bought. I'd really like to try both of those again if I could get them fresh roasted. We also had a couple grocery stores that sold Millstone in the clear hoppers but they both got rid of those a few years back, I didn't care much for them.
You know, I've heard Dunkin Doughnuts had some solid coffee. Is it possible to get it freshly roasted?
yes. you can.
I heard that Dunkin Donut roasting department is looking for some helps....

most of coffee they are selling is Ground coffee (which can not be called "some solid coffee"), EXCEPT "Original Blend Whole Coffee Bean" 1lb at $8.99. however, I highly doubt this whole bean will be less than a month old.
I was curious about the whole bean expiration date or turn-around period after they roast the coffee beans.
so, I called their Dunkin donuts on-line sales person (855)727 7877.
Original Blend Whole Bean Coffee | Dunkin' Donuts® Shop

a nice young man (certainly sounded like one.) answered the phone. He had no idea how long is the expiration date or shelf life of coffee bean.
However, I got this advise from him though.... he said, very politely and proudly, "I do not know how long is the expiration date, but I certainly know that if you can put your beans in refrigerator, it will stay fresh for a long time. "

One thing for sure, I hope that Dunkin Donuts can educate their customer service personal bit more about coffee, in general.
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I feel like most coffees that are on the shelf are already stale when we buy it. The freshly roasted coffee I've had is amazing with so many more flavors I've never had in coffee before compared to any of the other store brands I've had that was just...pretty good
you "feel" like most coffees on the shelf of super market are already stale because they ARE.
I have mentioned this many times before...

Rule of 15.

Ground coffee is fresh when you use within 15 minutes after you grind them.
Roasted coffee is fresh when you use within 15 days after you roast them.
Green coffee is fresh when you roast them within 15 month. (however, I can tell the flavor difference after 8 month after milled, but generally speaking 15 month is acceptable for regular (not specialty coffee) SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) coffee that Dunkin Donuts using. )
javacentral - The difference is amazing, I still remember the first time I had fresh beans vs store bought, head turner that's for sure, and that was with a blade grinder and a Mr Coffee 12 cup dripper. You sound like you're in the same boat I'm in, small town with no one that roasts beans. You may want to bight the bullet and start ordering online but be careful once you do you will not go back. If you like Dunkin' or want to try something similar, look for some Donut blends, they are close.

ensoluna - I have seen that 15 rule before but I have add to it for someone in my situation, I just can't justify the shipping costs to have 8 or 12 oz packages delivered every couple weeks so I buy two bags usually 12oz or 16oz bags about every 4-6 weeks. To me, 30 or even 60 day off roast beans are better than what I can get in the stores around here. Plus I like to have a couple different type beans to choose from so I can mix it up a bit. I do store the beans in the bags they come in and use little glass jars that hold about a weeks worth to open daily. I do envy you, it sounds like you have access to fresh beans all the time.
Haha! When I can't afford my favorite coffees that are fresh local or fresh and roasted to order by mail I turn to eight o'clock coffee as my fall back brand. It's far and above the quality and flavorfulness of any of those chain brands you named like Starbucks. I believe Starbucks has some improving to do and I get a sense that they are headed for that downfall that you mentioned that most companies experience. The quality of their coffee is just not good to me anymore. Perhaps it my location but I can't even drink Starbucks anymore.

Back to eight o'clock. The company is taking strides to also provide a safe and sustainably sourced product as well. I've been in contact with company representatives who tell me that they have 50% Certified sourced coffees and are on their way to making that 100%. Being spoiled on FTO's I was a bit alarmed to see that 50% but reading up on the company and their sourcing practices made me feel comfortable in buying the product as is. I'm impressed by eight o'clock but being a brand that's purchased at the store off the shelf leads to one of the outliers that can't be controlled by us as consumers which is knowing how long the product has been on the shelf before we buy it. Yes there are "best by" dates but who knows when it was roasted and packed from that date? I'm trying to find out more about that part.

Oh and great video btw. :coffee1:
I have worked in IT industry, sometimes I need to stay a long time in my firm. When i feel more tired just taking one sip of coffee. It makes me more fresh and feel and give an energy to work in a fresh mind setup.
I have worked in IT industry, sometimes I need to stay a long time in my firm. When i feel more tired just taking one sip of coffee. It makes me more fresh and feel and give an energy to work in a fresh mind setup.

Yep! I love to mention there is scientific evidence that coffee can improve mental clarity! :coffee: Usually by my 3rd cup of coffee I'm like move over Albert! LOL
Who remembers 8 o'clock coffee maybe 15 years ago? Had a wonderful aroma when you opened the bag or brewed a cup. The aroma carried through to the taste buds as well. Now it has no aroma and taste like every other shoe leather brand on the shelf. Sad, I would love some of the old 8 o'clock. If someone knows what I'm talking about, give me a recommendation to a similar coffee.
Who remembers 8 o'clock coffee maybe 15 years ago? Had a wonderful aroma when you opened the bag or brewed a cup. The aroma carried through to the taste buds as well. Now it has no aroma and taste like every other shoe leather brand on the shelf. Sad, I would love some of the old 8 o'clock. If someone knows what I'm talking about, give me a recommendation to a similar coffee.

I haven't tried 8 o'clock lately besides in a K-cup but I feel the same way about Dunkin' Donuts, 15 years ago I remember it being being very good but the last bag of whole bean I bought a couple years ago I couldn't even finish the bag.