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Sep 22, 2007
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Had my first cup yesterday (2 to be exact) with a friend of mine that suggested I had cigarettes with them (4 of them including two at a time once) because they go together well. Thought it went well. Trying to make it a once-a-week thing for now. Any suggestions for what I should try next week?
Hi Lumberg22, there are a lot of amazing coffees out there! Continue trying from various countries and roasts to find the right coffees for you. I have a large variety on my site if you are looking for ideas. Welcome to the world of coffee!
Drop the cigarettes, there worse for you then the coffee. Plus they don't benefit the drink any. I find cigarettes end up masking flavors more then if you would have done it without.
Thanks for the replies. Was actually a bit sick last week so only had one cup and no smoking. Thought it went better with the two together to be honest though. Will try again this friday. Any more suggestions would be welcomed

I smoked for 16 years and when I finally stopped I gained about 65 lbs and it has bell quite difficult to lose it. It also took me years to stop smoking. The best thing is to not even start smoking, it will ruin you on so many levels. As for the coffee, if it makes you sick try decaf.
Sorry, I wasn't sick from the coffee. My fault for communicating wrong. Finished three cups this past friday and smoked along with them. Just sticking with a once a week thing so I'm not too worried about the consequences. Can't afford any more than once a week.
Yeah, nothing makes my coffee more satisfying than a mouthful of phlegm in the morning as I hack my left lung a bit more into oblivion....

But your friend is right, smoking a coffee go so well together. In fact, if you really want a rush of goodness, ash in your coffee, and drop the butts in there for an added kick!

Dude, seriously:

1. You can have a good cup of coffee with a pastry and it''s better than a cup with a smoke

2. Smoking has an odd way of not being a habit when you start, it just ends up that way.

So next week give a large cup of iced coffee with a good portion of heavy cream (not milk, as for manufactured cream). Enjoy that cup with a warm, sweet pastry, like a fritter, and tell me it wasn''t better than the smoke.

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