Keurig and K-cup research


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Mar 31, 2010
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I'm doing some research on Keurig, and I was wondering if some Keurig owners would be willing to answer a few questions. I've posted some questions below.

Thanks, I appreciate you time!

o How often per week do you brew coffee with your Keurig machine? How has that changed over the last year?
o How has your purchase pattern of K-Cups changed in the last year?
o How long does it take for your Keurig machine to brew your K-Cup? Is that fast enough for you?
o Where do you buy your K-Cups?
o Do you own the reusable K-Cup filter? Do you only use K-Cups or have you tried other company’s beans, like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? If so, when did you make that change and what do you think of the quality, flavor, taste, convenience compared to K-Cups?
o Did you buy the Keurig or get it as a gift? What impact does this have on usage rates?
o Have you tried other single cup brewers? What did you think? Would you buy any to replace your Keurig machine?
o How has owning/using a Keurig machine impacted your purchase patterns at Starbucks, Peets, Dunkin Donuts, etc…?
o Will you buy Folgers and/or Millstone K-Cups when they come out later this year?
Hi Marie,

Welcome to the Coffee Forum website.

I'm curious..... Why are you doing research on Keurig?

Are you looking to buy a Keurig machine or are you trying to advertise Keurig or some other product?

I'm not sure what kind of response you'll get from the other forum members.

In case you have visions of spamming this forum, please be aware that your postings will be screened by forum moderators before they're approved (or deleted).

Rose (one of the forum moderators)
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I'm doing research for Blueshift reasearch, based in San Francisco. We research trends in different industires and I'm currently working on a project on coffee machines and single cup brewers. I'm trying to get an idea of how Keurig owners use their machines and how this use may be evolving.

So I'm just looking for any opinions of Keurig users that may use this forum.

Thanks for approving my questions.

Those are some pretty specific questions and although I never tried a Keurig, can tell about my Tassimo experience ? I WON it on Twitter, with boxes and boxes of product. FREE. I won it for being the biggest Twiterer-erer-er about coffee that day. It was delivered to my office and I could not have been more excited.

Except that turns out it was instant coffee with fake milk and it costs a ton of money for each cup.

No Thanks... and it was free.
Hi Marie,

I don't own a Keurig, but I was talking to a guy who came into the cafe where I work and he mentioned he got one for Christmas. He said he has increased his coffee consumption considerably since he got it.... because it is so easy to use, and the coffee tastes better than the drip coffee he was using before.

In fact, he got rid of his two coffee brewers that he had in his home office and kitchen (Cuisinart, Mr. Coffee) and he exclusively used the Keurig machine.

His kids really like the hot chocolate K-cups. He had a hard time finding them in local stores during the holiday season.

Another customer said that his company has two kitchen areas for the employees, and one has a Keurig machine, and the other has an automatic espresso machine (I forget the name of it). He said that most people prefer the Keurig, because the coffee takes more "normal," and the espresso machine's coffee tastes "strong".

Apparently, even though they are somewhat expensive, the Keurig K-cups have a longer shelf life than buying roasted beans for the espresso machine. Plus, the Kuerig is easier to clean, which is another reason why they plan to switch to a Keurig when the espresso machine needs to be replaced.

I hope this helps.

Well I can answer the Keurig Questions and I am the definition of Coffee. I live for it. Taste mind you and not caffeine. I use to buy my whole beans from favorite roasters then grind and brew in my Capresso.

I got my Keurig about 3 yrs ago and my initial reaction was the coffee was ok, but didn't compare to grinding and brewing, but within a week I had changed my mind totally.

First of with Keurig you have many, many roasters and varieties of coffee. Now I drink coffee from sun up to sun down.

First we have a sealed Kcup with the correct amount of coffee. Then we have a machine with a large water resovoir that brews and 192 degrees. Coffee is brewed in under a minute. Throw Kcup in trash and enjoy. Repeat as needed. I love it and spend about $130 a month on kcups. Every cup taste the same as long as it is the same brand and type. Consistency. I do still enjoy my french press with a bag of great coffee like I just received from Klatch Coffee.

My Keurig is here to stay

Paul C
I first purchased a Tassimo one cup coffee maker and ended up returning it. It was very loud, did not have a temperature control and, therefore, the coffee was not hot enough for me, and thought the flavored coffees were terrible. I then purchased a Keurig and love it......actually purchased the Cuisinart version. It's quiet, has a temp. control so you can brew up to 192 degrees and, with all the different brands and flavors available, if you can't find the perfect coffee for you, there's something wrong. You can program it to come on at a certain time so it's ready to brew the moment you wake up but I find I don't need to program it. I turn the machine on as soon as I get up. By the time I've gone to the bathroom, it's heated up and ready to brew. Then, it takes about 30 seconds to actually brew a nice, hot, cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. It comes with a water filter and the K-cup that you can fill with your own coffee, which you have to purchase separately with other models. I do use the filter but can't figure out why anybody would use the reusable K-cup. The whole point of this kind of a machine, in my opinion, is so you don't have the messy grounds to empty out after brewing. I love this machine.

I don't drink any more or less coffee than before I purchased this machine. I probably pay a little more for coffee than when purchasing bags of grounded coffee beans but it's worth the price for the convenience. I still like to go to a coffee house for a good cappacino (not sure of spelling) but do plan to purchase the Keurig foamer so I can make my own.
Hi Marie, I bought a Cuisinart Keurig for my husband for Christmas. Best $200 I ever spent. It is fun and easy to use use. We got a super deal on coffee 24 k cups for $4 so we stocked up because the deal ends in 4 days but we have been buying boxes for 2 months so we have about 20 boxes. I don't think I would pay full price for the k cups so that's where the reusable k cup comes in. My kids bought the carousel and an extra reusable k cup for him so we are set. I have to say it is the best coffee I have ever made at home. Plus it comes out nice and hot. I used to have to nuke my drip coffee when it was done. Another bonus is it takes less than a minute to brew. Don't have to mess with the filter and grounds plus everyone gets their favorite flavor. We have been drinking waay more coffee than we used to though. I bought a box of wooded stirrers that I keep next to it as we were going through a lot of spoons. I also bought styrofoam cups for my son's friends because we are going through so many cups. I am seriously considering putting a change jar next to the machine! All this talk of coffee I need to go have a cup now! Oh one more thing-our tap water is awful. I fill the reservoir with water from our water bubbler that has purified water because it tastes better.
Well I can answer the Keurig Questions and I am the definition of Coffee. I live for it. Taste mind you and not caffeine. I use to buy my whole beans from favorite roasters then grind and brew in my Capresso.

I got my Keurig about 3 yrs ago and my initial reaction was the coffee was ok, but didn't compare to grinding and brewing, but within a week I had changed my mind totally.

First of with Keurig you have many, many roasters and varieties of coffee. Now I drink coffee from sun up to sun down.

First we have a sealed Kcup with the correct amount of coffee. Then we have a machine with a large water resovoir that brews and 192 degrees. Coffee is brewed in under a minute. Throw Kcup in trash and enjoy. Repeat as needed. I love it and spend about $130 a month on kcups. Every cup taste the same as long as it is the same brand and type. Consistency. I do still enjoy my french press with a bag of great coffee like I just received from Klatch Coffee.

My Keurig is here to stay

Paul C

That's interesting. I got a Keurig a couple years ago, I think it was a B40. Then I got the big silver Cuisinart model and the water pump went in less than six months. I wasn't going to spend $200 to replace it, so I have switched to the Mini-Plus that doesn't rely on a water pump. I'm impressed that your water pump has lasted so long. The biggest complaint among Keurig owners is that the water pump fails in about 6 months. But I will no longer buy K-Cups as there has been a significant increase in the price for a box of 24. I bought my K-Cups from Coffee | K-Cups Coffee | Keurig K-Cups | Coffee Beans at CoffeeForLess. It used to be $13 per box of 24, now it's $15 for a box of 24. I have gone back to buying whole bean and grinding it. I will have to tell Starbucks to grind it a bit more coarse as what they gave me last time is leaving a lot of sediment on the bottom of my cup.
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Note answers in quoted text!!


I'm doing some research on Keurig, and I was wondering if some Keurig owners would be willing to answer a few questions. I've posted some questions below.

Thanks, I appreciate you time!

o How often per week do you brew coffee with your Keurig machine? How has that changed over the last year?

15+ no change... That is the Machine not always the Kcups

o How has your purchase pattern of K-Cups changed in the last year?

If Keurig could figure out how to send to APO adresses I might be more inclined to buy! I ahve been working on getting my current order for almost 5 months! Previsouly I got orders from them it is something they changed!

o How long does it take for your Keurig machine to brew your K-Cup? Is that fast enough for you?

Don't time..about 90sec? 2 minutes? Fine with me.

o Where do you buy your K-Cups?

Make my own now... Kcups are a destructive force on the environment... yes I just realized this after I bought the machine

o Do you own the reusable K-Cup filter?

Do you only use K-Cups or have you tried other company’s beans, like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? If so, when did you make that change and what do you think of the quality, flavor, taste, convenience compared to K-Cups?
I use my own varying kinds of coffee, ground and unground (grind my own)

o Did you buy the Keurig or get it as a gift? What impact does this have on usage rates?


o Have you tried other single cup brewers? What did you think? Would you buy any to replace your Keurig machine?

Tried a paper filter tassimo style...much less environmental impact! Liked it alot.

o How has owning/using a Keurig machine impacted your purchase patterns at Starbucks, Peets, Dunkin Donuts, etc…?
Starbucks? Are you kidding me! THeir coffee sucks!

o Will you buy Folgers and/or Millstone K-Cups when they come out later this year?
Already bags and use in my own MYKCUP device.

If I had know all I know now I would never have purchase the machine... but now that I have it I have figured out a better way to use it by using my own coffee grinds and filter.

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Hi there,

I have a Keurig machine and I brew 2-3 times a day for my daily intake of coffee. It hasn't really change as compared to the past year. And usually I'd like to try something new if any by the K Cup selections. Else usually I'd just stick to my usual selection of roast and most of them are from Green Mountain range.
A couple of months ago, I decided to invest in a Platinum Keurig machine for the sake of wasting a pot of coffee, and the time it takes to brew each morning. I brew one cup every day, and it's super convenient! However, I've noticed that Kcup prices have been rising so I am looking for less expensive alternative options. Has anyone tried San Francisco Bay OneCups? They sound like they would work on my machine, and cost less on my wallet. I'm looking at the French Roast in particular, OneCup French Roast | Single Serve Coffee | Gourmet Coffee. Any thoughts?