percentage of drive by traffic


New member
Oct 1, 2007
westminster, ca
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Hi everyone!

I''m wondering if any of you might be able to help me with a question. I''m thinking of opening up a coffee bar near a very popular truck-stop popular with tourists and long-distance truckers alike.
Nearest competition (besides the actual truck-stop gas station) is 45 minutes away.
I have NO foot traffic, but am wondering about what percentage of drive-by traffic I can/should expect to get. I think I saw a post a while ago asking if 1-3% were realistic numbers. Can anyone else corroborate or offer any insight?

Help is much appreciated!

[quote:e0cbfda85e=\"jennybean\"]Hi everyone!

I''''m wondering if any of you might be able to help me with a question. I''''m thinking of opening up a coffee bar near a very popular truck-stop popular with tourists and long-distance truckers alike.
Nearest competition (besides the actual truck-stop gas station) is 45 minutes away.
I have NO foot traffic, but am wondering about what percentage of drive-by traffic I can/should expect to get. I think I saw a post a while ago asking if 1-3% were realistic numbers. Can anyone else corroborate or offer any insight?

Help is much appreciated!


hi Jen,

What I would do is actually pick a few weekedays and a weekend to actually sit, on location, and count the number of visitors to this truck stop. Based on what you described, the truck stop equivalent to your typical \"anchor\" store for a strip mall. How this anchor does, so goes all the other stores on the strip. Counting cars and counting people is a boring activity, but it pays in the long run to give you more insight into the general traffic flows to that area. You might even find certain traffic patterns across a given day or week.

My two cents!

traffic #'s

Been in biz with a drive thru for about 3 years experience says that .5 - 1% is probably more accurate - but that also depends on the ease of access and corner can be very congested at certain times of the day and I think that really affects my numbers....
good luckl!
I have very little foot traffic...just workers from the strip mall (maybe 2-3 per day)