Coffee is a health drink?


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Aug 30, 2009
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Coffee is 'health drink'

It is a daily routine for millions of Italians - the morning cup of espresso brewed on the kitchen hob or downed swiftly in a cafe on the way to work.But for years their favourite way of kick-starting the day has had a bad press - most recently when it was reported that doctors had told British Prime Minister Tony Blair to drink less coffee.Now it seems the tide is turning. Forget the scare stories, says dietician Chiara Trombetti.There is sound scientific reason to enjoy your morning espresso without worrying about the health effects.

Coffee can be good for you - the stronger, the better. Coffee contains tannin and antioxidants, which are good for the heart and arteries, Dr Trombetti says.It can relieve headaches. It is good for the liver - and can help prevent cirrhosis and gallstones. And the caffeine in coffee can reduce the risk of asthma attacks - and help improve circulation within the heart.There is no denying that coffee is not for everyone. If you drink too much it can increase nervousness, and cause rapid heartbeat and trembling hands.Pregnant women, heart patients, and anyone with a stomach ulcer are usually advised to avoid it.And even Dr Trombetti says no one should drink more than three or four cups a day.Many parents might be horrified at the thought.But Dr Trombetti is adamant that a cup of milky coffee could make the ideal start for the next generation of coffee lovers - Italy's drowsy school kids - stimulating their brains ahead of a day that often lasts from 0830 until 1600.
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Re: Coffee is ?health drink?

Maybe Tony Blair was not drinking good quality coffee? I hear he hangs around outside the EU waiting for the call to become President of that Great Organisation... maybe all the waiting has frazzled his nerves and he is resorting to drinking stuff unfit for a former PM? Maybe he is drinking too much of the Southern Italian stuff? What ever he has been drinking doubt it is French as the French President has just torpedoed Blairs chances of taking the top job :)
Re: Coffee is ?health drink?

I have been waiting to hear info like this on the subject of coffee for years! Yay! It's a Christmas miracle! I only have one-maybe two cups a day, but I tell ya what in the past few years that I have been drinking coffee. My asthma has been treating me a little better, you just gotta make sure you keep it down to one or two cups a day, and it makes a huge difference!

"Yay! It's a Christmas miracle!"

Re: Coffee is ?health drink?

What if the 3-4 cups of coffee are really big cups? :) I think I drink more like 6-8 cups of coffee a day. Also in regards to the tannins and antioxidants, would these be filtered out with paper coffee filters? I use a metal filter that allows all of the oils of the coffee to be brewed and put in my cup rather than a paper filter.

Vega Sinclair, Health & Dental Insurance Plans Advisor
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Re: Coffee is ?health drink?

I truely agree that coffe is a health drink... for me its like a rejuvenation technique which works wonders on my mood.. A cuppa hot coffe is all i need at late afternoon to keep me in spirits.. also it fights headache and helps me put less weight on.. Cheers!!!!
Re: Coffee is ?health drink?

I am new in this forum.i think always coffee is not good for health.but i love coffee very much.when i am in stress then i drink coffee then i feel relax for some time.Thanks dude for your own view.
Coffee is not usually thought of as health food, but a number of recent studies suggest that it can be a highly beneficial drink. Researchers have found strong evidence that coffee reduces the risk of several serious ailments, including diabetes, heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver.
There is no "universal" good for you" or "bad for you." Peanuts are an excellent food, but if you have an allergy to them you can be dead in minutes from eating one.
Some people are sensitive to caffeine.. others not.
Sort of like:
"Being drunk isn't so bad."
"Oh, ya? Ask a glass of water how it feels about it."
No doubt that coffee is healthy drink and has lot of benefits.I drink it regularly and it keeps me active.Too much use of coffee is not good so we can drink it but in a normal routine.
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There is no "universal" good for you" or "bad for you." Peanuts are an excellent food, but if you have an allergy to them you can be dead in minutes from eating one.
Some people are sensitive to caffeine.. others not.
Sort of like:
"Being drunk isn't so bad."
"Oh, ya? Ask a glass of water how it feels about it."

positively agree with you Randy... except the "drunk" part. :p
I actually agree that coffe is really a health drink... for me personally its just like a rejuvenation technique which works miracles on my small mood.. A cuppa hot coffe is i want at late mid-day to maintain me in spirits.. plus it fights headache helping me put less weight on..
Coffee lovers these days is good news. Many recent studies have shown the health benefits of coffee is absolutely true, this also increases the popularity of coffee caused. Although there have been negative health benefits of coffee, in the past, this report heartburn and stomach distress, many positive health benefits is linked to the coffee as well.